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Ralph Northam claims it’s not him in blackface/KKK photo because he’s left handed and can’t hold beer in right hand

Usually Democrats come up with better excuses than these. First it was the moonwalk, now Ralph Northam claims it can’t be him in the blackface/KKK photo in his 1984 college yearbook because they are both holding a beer in their right hand. Ralphy Northam claims he is left handed so that proves he is innocent of being in the photo. Seriously, this is what Ralphy Northam is trying to claim s legit. But there’s one big problem. Ralph Northam already tweeted out months ago a photo of him in present day holding a beer, with (get this) his RIGHT hand. LOL!

And guess which fake news publication actually went with Northam’s pathetic excuse of being left handed, so it can’t be him? If you guessed Buzzfeed, you win the Internet.

Ralph Northam claims it’s not him in blackface/KKK photo because he’s left handed and can’t hold beer in right hand
Ralph Northam claims it's not him in blackface/KKK photo because he's left handed and can't hold beer in right hand