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Bitter loser Stacey Abrams to deliver Democrat ‘response’ to State of the Union

I was personally hoping it would be Ocasio-Cortez giving the Democrat “response” to the State of the Union. Looks like I wouldn’t be far off. Communist Georgia Democrat, Stacey Abrams who still can’t get over the fact she lost the Georgia gubernatorial election is giving the response. Break out the kleenex, because there is going to be a lot of whining and complaining in the Democrat response.

Bitter loser Stacey Abrams to deliver Democrat ‘response’ to State of the Union
Bitter loser Stacey Abrams to deliver Democrat 'response' to State of the Union

The Democrat response to the State of the Union so far has been delivered by an old, grandpa Democrat and drooling Joe Kennedy. Stacey Abrams will top all of those Democrat failures and it should be really fun to watch.