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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Anagrams

Big Fur Hat over at one of our favorite sites, I Own the World Report has come up with some funny anagrams on socialist-communist nut job Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aka “Sandy.” Check them out:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Anagrams
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Anagrams

Whenever a new name “hits the scene” we like to anagram their name to see if there are hidden messages.

You don’t believe in this stuff? Take a gander-

Alexandria Cortez:

Radical Taxer Zone

Racial Tax Rezoned

Czarina Lode Taxer

A Taxer – No Idle Czar

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez:

A Satanical Exorcize Odor

Sandy Cortez:

Stoned Crazy

Zany Red Cost