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GOP ready to propose bill to give green cards to at least 300,000 from India

Oh goodie. More amnesty from the GOP. Showing yet again how out of touch they are, the GOP in its final act of betrayal before Botox Pelosi takes over the House are ready to drop a bill fast tracking 300,000 people from India to get green cards. Another 300,000 will come from members of the family of these workers. If this bill makes it out of the House and Senate and Trump signs it, you can kiss 2020 goodbye.

GOP ready to propose bill to green cards to at least 300,000 from India
GOP ready to propose bill to green cards to at least 300,000 from India

Republican leaders are expected to drop a political stinker on President Donald Trump by mid-December: a donor-backed amendment that would allow investors to import more college-graduates from India to take jobs now held by American college graduates.
The GOP-run amendment puts 300,000 imported Indian temporary workers and 300,000 of their family members on a fast-track to green-cards, Americans’ jobs, citizenship, and the ballot box — but it provides no benefits to middle-class Americans.

The GOP amendment would provide Democratic-leaning donors with more imported white-collar workers, more temporary workers, more profits, and higher stock values — but it provides nothing to help the GOP win the 2020 election.

Yet the little-known amendment “is very much alive,” a source told Breitbart News.

The amendment is hidden in House’s 2019 draft budget plan for the Department of Homeland Security. Reporters have almost entirely ignored the amendment while they focus on the debate over border-wall funding. In turn, business-friendly GOP staffers and legislators do not see the amendment’s political danger or the public opposition, the source said.