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Avenatti claims chances of being president up since domestic violence arrest

Creepy Porn Lawyer, MIchael Avenatti claims his chances to become the Democrat nominee for POTUS in 2020 “have gone up” since his domestic abuse arrested occured in November. I supposed Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti has a point. Look at Keith Ellison. There are documented proof of his physical abuse against two women and Minnesota elects him as their Attorney General. I could go on about Bill Clinton, John Edwards and other Democrat women abusers but you get the idea. Run Pasta Run!

Avenatti claims chances of being president up since domestic violence arrest
Avenatti claims chances of being president up since domestic violence arrest

Embattled television attorney Michael Avenatti insists his “chances” of being president “have only gone up” since his domestic violence arrest.
In the rare piece critical of a left-wing Democrat, Politico pretty much writes off Avenatti as a 2020 presidential contender with the headline “Avenatti crashes and burns.”

“In just a matter of weeks, Avenatti’s fortunes have taken a nosedive, rapidly downshifting him from 2020 presidential prospect to political pariah,” the far-left Politico writes.

Although Avenatti blew his most important case, which resulted in his client, porn star Stormy Daniels, having to pay President Trump’s legal expenses, although his financial problems are so sketchy they beg belief, although he stepped on at least a half-dozen rakes after parachuting into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, Politico still manages to write a lengthy piece detailing his mishaps without mentioning any of that.