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Obama used tear gas against illegal invaders over 80 times, media silent

The Democrats and the left wing media in this country are still in meltdown mode because border patrol official used tear gas to repel illegal alien invaders who rushed the border over the weekend. Some idiot Democrats like Brian Schatz of Hawaii even compared it to Bashir Al-Assad in Syria using chemical weapons.

Of course these same Democrats and media hacks never uttered a word when Obama used the exact same tear gas against border invaders during his eight year reign of terror. There were of course less border invaders back then and they weren’t camped out in Tijuana. But Obama used tear gas against illegal alien invaders over 80 times while president. The media didn’t care then and they don’t care now. They are once again blatant hypocrites.

Obama “gassed” illegal invaders 26 times in 2012 and 27 times in 2013. But that’s ok.

Obama used tear gas against illegal invaders over 80 times, media silent
Obama used tear gas against illegal invaders over 80 times, media silent

Under the Obama Administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) law enforcement officials, including Border Patrol agents, utilized tear gas against migrants at or near the border at least 80 times between FY2012 and early FY2017.
CBP officials reported the use of tear gas and pepper spray to push back “assaultive” caravan migrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally on Sunday. The agency began using these particular sprays during the Obama administration in 2010.

Breitbart News confirmed the CBP began using tear gas (2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile – CS) in 2010, though the available usage data initiates in FY2012.