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Caravan illegals begin rushing border – San Ysidro port of entry closed

Here they come. Something that has been rumored for weeks is now actually. Caravan illegals in Tijuana, mostly Hondurans have began rushing the border trying to get into the US and get on the welfare gravy train. San Ysidro, the port of entry between California and Mexico has been shut down northbound and southbound as illegal aliens try and rush in.

Caravan illegals begin rushing border – San Ysidro port of entry closed
Caravan illegals begin rushing border - San Ysidro port of entry closed

Images and videos posted on social media Sunday afternoon appeared to show hundreds of migrants from the leading Central American caravan rushing the border at the port of entry in San Ysidro, Calif., in a major test for both U.S. border authorities and Mexican officials.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have suspended northbound and southbound vehicle and pedestrian crossings at the San Ysidro port of entry, officials told Fox News. It was not immediately clear if any members of the caravan made it past the port of entry into the United States.

Fox News had confirmed early Sunday through an organizer for Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the group helping organize the leading Central American migrant caravan, that members of the caravan were planning to attempt to cross the port of entry at San Ysidro on Sunday afternoon.