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ABC15 Arizona poll: McSally 52% crazy Sinema 45%

Good news coming from Arizona. An ABC15 Arizona poll shows that Martha McSally is pulling away from nut job leftist radical Kyrsten Sinema. McSally has stretched her lead to seven points at 52% to 45%. The latest poll by ABC15 Arizona taken earlier in the month had McSally at 47% and Sinema at 41%. Another poll, from the far left New York Times released today shows McSally up by two points. The reason for the dramtic shift in numbers favoring McSally? Because of the Democrat clown show during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. Thanks Democrats! You’ve been a big help!

ABC15 Arizona poll: McSally 52% crazy Sinema 45%
ABC15 Arizona poll: McSally 52% crazy Sinema 45%

New polling numbers out Wednesday show the Senate race between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema is still close – but has McSally pulling ahead.

The exclusive ABC15 Arizona and OH Predictive Insights poll shows McSally with a seven-point lead with 52% of the vote compared to Sinema’s 45%.

Only 2% are undecided with 1% saying they’ll vote for Green Party candidate Angela Green.

The chief pollster for OH Predictive Insights says the shift in numbers is being linked to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh and the caravan of migrants headed to the United States.

“If Kavanaugh didn’t happen I think it’d be an extremely tight race,” said chief pollster Mike Noble. “If not, I’d actually say the edge would go to Sinema but after seeing the polling – seeing the results – everything else – I think that McSally will end up winning coming election night.”