Stop and think for a minute… If Trump brokers a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia (something I personally don’t care one bit about), all the killing would stop and all that wasted forgein aid would stop.. But for war pigs like John Bolton and other globalist scum, it would hurt their bottom line.. Which is why biter Bushie war pig John Bolton is whining that Trump only wants a peace deal because he wants a Noble Peace Price or something.
First of all, even if there is a peace deal, there is no way in hell the globalist scum would ever allow Trump to win a Noble Peace Prize in the first place.
Secondly, this is the best argument you can come up with? Pathetic.
John Bolton says Trump only wants to end the Ukraine war to get a Nobel Peace Prize.
Weird because Obama has one and bombed the Bejesus out of countries that posed no threat.
We need a new prize that means something.
Maybe the Ron Paul Peace Prize
— Being Libertarian (@beinlibertarian) March 14, 2025