These filthy communists, who were too busy protesting their slush fund USAID are now back to the impeachment game in the house. Communist Houston Democrat Al Green today filed articles of impeachment against Trump for what he calls “dastardly deeds”…. What the hell is this? A cartoon?
.@RepAlGreen: "The movement to impeach the president has begun. I rise to announce that I will bring Articles of Impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done."
— CSPAN (@cspan) February 5, 2025
Impeachment articles have already been filed against President Donald Trump.
"The movement to impeach the president has begun. I rise to announce that I will bring Articles of Impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done."…
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) February 5, 2025
Rogue Democrat Al Green introduced Articles of Impeachment against Donald Trump for "dastardly deeds."
Shortly after, fellow high-ranking Democrat Aguilar dismissed the action, saying, "It's not a focus of the caucus."
This further proves the Democrats are in complete disarray.
— Media Lies (@MediasLies) February 5, 2025