Well this is… rather odd… A bystander who just so happened to be filming at the sight of the plane crash in Northeast Philadelphia was yelling Allahu Ackbar… I’ll reserve judgement for now, but this is, odd.
How does a Philadelphia Plane Crash witness records the exact place and moment of the explosion and yells
“Allahu Akbar!… What the hell… Omg… It’s a plane bro"
— The Tank (@TheTankGuns) February 1, 2025
#BREAKING BREAKING “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! “ t
They’re praising Allahu AkbarANOTHER PLANE
Coincidence or A plan #Attack ?!? pic.twitter.com/NM2jcEQROw
— Joey
(@joeysmichael) February 1, 2025
Someone that filmed or was close by the Plane Crash in northeast Philadelphia, USA. decided to scream out:
'Allahu Akbar'
What the actual fuck? pic.twitter.com/f45qmZT3bm
— Prometheus
(@wherefami) February 1, 2025