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Clown Democrat New York City mayor Eric Adams indicted for taking bribes from foreign nationals in exchange for favors

We tried to warn you New York City idiots about electing another corrupt communists after eight years of Bill de Blasio… But did you listen? Of course not…. You elected this corrupt bribe taking clown, and now your city is an even bigger laughingstock to the world than you were just for all your crime and illegal alien crisis. New York City’s Democrat clown mayor Eric Adams has been indicted for taking from foreign nationals, in exchange for favors.. Sound familiar? Sounds just like the Biden Crime Family.

Mayor Eric Adams took bribes — including $123,000 in free flights and other ritzy perks — from foreign nationals in exchange for favors, according to a bombshell federal indictment unsealed by Manhattan prosecutors Thursday.

The five-count indictment — the first against a sitting New York City mayor — details an alleged decade-long pattern of corruption by Adams that includes fraudelently obtaining $10 million in public campaign funds.

The revelations came after the mayor was indicted by a grand jury on conspiracy, wire fraud and bribery charges amid the long-running federal probe.

“In 2014, Eric Adams, the defendant, became Brooklyn Borough President. Thereafter, for nearly a decade, Adams sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as luxury international travel, including from wealthy foreign businesspeople and at least one Turkish government official seeking to gain influence over him,” the 57-page indictment charges.