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Kamala pledges to use your tax payer dollars for gender reassignment surgeries for illegal aliens

Not only is Kamala a groomer, wanting to put drag queens into elementary school. Now, she wants us, to pay for gender reassignment surgeries for illegal aliens who have no right to be in this country in the first place… First these Californians want to give illegal aliens $150,000 to buy homes, now this,,,

But unlike the $150,000 for illegal aliens to buy homes, gender reassignment surgeries for illegal aliens wouldn’t be limited to just California.

Vice President Kamala Harris pledged during her presidential campaign in 2019 to use taxpayer money to fund sex change surgeries for illegal aliens locked up in detention, according to a largely ignored questionnaire that she filled out at the time.

CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski reported that the then-senator indicated on the American Civil Liberties Union questionnaire that she supported decriminalizing federal drug possession, making “drastic cuts” to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and pledged to no longer detain illegal aliens.

Harris was asked on the questionnaire if she as president would use “executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care – including those in prison and immigration detention – will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care.”

She answered, “Yes.”

Harris explained her answer by claiming that it was “important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition.”