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Fox CEO James Murdoch, Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz endorse Comrade Kamala

I don’t want to ever hear again about how Fox News is so “right wing biased”…. If Fox was so biased towards the right, would the bastard child of Rupert Murdoch and CEO of Fox have endorsed Comrade Kamala? If Kamala manages to to steal the election this year, I hope she shuts down Fox..

On the other hand, you have Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz also endorsing Comrade Kamala…. So the next time you are censored on Facebook, you can simply point to this fact as to why you are being censored.

Eighty-eight big-business leaders signed a letter Friday endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for president, underscoring the ongoing political realignment since 2016.

Before former President Donald Trump won the presidency, the Republican Party appeared to be the party of big-business and corporate interests. Now the Democrat party is taking up that mantle in the banner of globalism and “democracy,” a reformation of political identities dating back to Franklin D. Roosevelt and beyond.