I’m actually kind of hoping another neocon loser joins the Cheney war crime family and endorses Kamala Harris too… I mean, Trump absolutely destroyed Jeb’s political future, and the Bush Crime Family are wicked, bitter people… So why not Dubya? How about you, and your crazy eyed wife endorse Kamala? Your daughters basically already have.
I can’t believe I voted for this guy, twice…… I actually was thinking about voting for Al Gore in 2000, because of how bad of a president his father was… 2004 was a no-brainer against traitor Kerry.
This is the real George and Laura Bush:
The Obamas see George W. Bush as nothing more than a useful idiot to help push their agenda. This moron acts like a child around them and doesn't understand that he's getting played. pic.twitter.com/OrRHl3U7Hu
— LivePDDave
(@LivePDDave1) April 26, 2021
So go ahead and do it Dubya! Pull a Cheney!