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Kamala Harris tweet from 2017 that didn’t age well: An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal

So not only did they not vet Timpon Walz, it doesn’t look like they scrubbed Kamala Harris’ social media accounts either.. This tweet from 2017 didn’t age well, claiming that illegal aliens aren’t criminals. Actually Kamala, yes they are… When they come into this country ILLEGALLY, they are then CRIMINALS. I know it might be tough for someone as dumb as you to understand this, but it’s a fact…. They don’t have to commit a crime in the country to be criminals.. They come in illegally, that’s the crime you dumb ass!

I’m not afraid to say it. Most illegal aliens are good people, some actually do contribute to the economy.. But that still doesn’t change the fact that they came here ILLEGALLY! Why is that so hard for communists to understand? Oh that’s right… They need new voters.