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Family of Rachel Morin mother of five who was brutally attacked and murdered by illegal alien accuses Harris-Biden regime of no compassion

And sadly it’s true. Not just of the Biden-Harris regime, but of all communist Democrats who favor illegal aliens over American citizens at every possible corner. The family of Rachel Morin, who was a mother of five children killed by an illegal alien from El Salvador is coming out to expose the communists for what they truly are.

The family of Rachel Morin, the Maryland mother of five who was brutally attacked and murdered, allegedly by an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, in August 2023, slammed the Biden administration for a “lack of compassion” over their daughter’s death.

In a statement from Randolph Rice, the Morin family’s spokesperson, the family expressed “deep” disappointment in the Biden administration, including President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, for its “lack of acknowledgment and compassion” for their beloved family member.

The family noted Wednesday marked 75 days since Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, the 23-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador who allegedly murdered the 37-year-old, had been arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma.