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Tim Walz lied again! Claimed he won the award from Nebraska Chamber of Commerce

Damn this dude Tim Walz makes Joe Biden or the Clinton Crime Family look like amateurs. When it comes to lies, no one does it more than Tim Walz, though not necessarily better. He always seems to get caught, like in his 2006 congressional campaign when he claimed he won an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, which he didn’t.

Gov. Tim Walz’s pattern of misrepresenting his record continues to come under scrutiny as he steps onto the national stage as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate.

In early 2006, when Walz ran for the U.S. House of Representatives, his campaign website stated that he had received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for his contributions to the business community. This claim was refuted by Barry L. Kennedy, then-president of the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, who confirmed in a letter that Walz had never been the recipient of any such award.

“We researched this matter and can confirm that you have not been the recipient of any award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce,” Kennedy wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by Alpha News.