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Pro-Israel activists claim unequal treatment ahead of DNC

Pro-Hamas protesters at the DNC in Chicago are already stirring up trouble… You want to protest in favor of Israel, you aren’t allowed. Chicago communist Democrats, the party of Hamas terrorists and anti-Semitism wouldn’t give pro-Israel protesters permits, but they had no problem giving them to pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers.

IAC is trying to recreate a “hostage square” outside of the DNC to remind people of the eight Americans still held hostage by Hamas.

Aya Shechter, IAC’s lead organizer, said the city of Chicago sent the group a rejection letter and expressed disappointment that the only pro-Israel group to apply for a license to protest was ignored.

“We think that we, as the pro-Israel crowd, deserve the right to express our solidarity with Israel, and we expect the city, if there is anything that will happen to be there and to protect us, just as much as they would protect any other minority,” she said.

In response, the city said the applicant was offered an alternative parade or assembly route, which was neither accepted nor appealed. As a result, per the ordinance, the permit was not granted.