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Kate Bedingfield former Biden Communications Director says on CNN Democrats must ‘turn their fire’ on Trump

So it’s been what, just over three days since a left wing would be assassin targeted the future POTUS Donald Trump and killed a rally attendee because he was radicalized by people like Kate Bedingfield and media hacks like those at CNN and we get this? Obese former Communications Director said yesterday on CNN ‘turn their fire’ on Trump. Bedingfield has gone from the Biden White House to CNN contributor.

CNN contributor and former Biden White House communications director Kate Bedingfield firmly planted her foot in her mouth Monday when she urged Democrats to “turn their fire” on former President Donald Trump — less than 72 hours after he was nearly felled by an assassin’s bullet.

“[Biden] has said many, many times after having been questioned many times about this that he’s not stepping down and that he’s going to be the nominee. So at some point, Democrats have to decide that they want to try to win this election and turn their fire on Donald Trump,” Bedingfield said.

Her tone-deaf choice of words came as she was speaking on a panel as part of the network’s prime-time RNC coverage, which also included CNN mainstays like Anderson Cooper and Van Jones.