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Rosie O’Donnell wants the Democrats to dump Biden

First it was washed up George Clooney, now its washed up Rosie O’Donnell that wants the Democrats to dump Biden. Seriously, Rosie thinks her opinion matters or something.

Left-wing actor-comedienne and TV host Rosie O’Donnell has joined the chorus of Hollywood elites calling for Joe Biden to step aside and let some other candidate rise as the Democrat Party’s standard bearer for the 2024 election for president.

O’Donnell jumped to her X account on Friday to note that she now agrees with an article written by left-wing commentator Ezra Klein, who back in February wrote a New York Times editorial in which he concluded that Joe Biden simply wasn’t the best candidate for 2024. Klein urged someone in the party to convince Biden to step aside and close out his political career as a “hero” who decided to serve only one term for the benefit of the nation.

In his very long article, Klein was profuse with praise for Biden but also noted that even back in February the polls all said that Americans felt Biden was too old to run again and that they had little confidence in his mental acuity.

Klein also said that Kamala Harris was more than qualified and prepared to take over for Biden but since she is not well liked by the voters and, in fact, she polled worse than Biden, that the Democrat Party needed to convince Biden to bail from reelection as soon as possible to give party leaders the time to present alternatives to the voters.

O’Donnell’s late support for Klein’s pontificating from months ago comes as a growing list of Hollywood elites have begun to call for Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 race.