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Joe Biden now wearing sneaker like “stabilizing shoes”

In the latest installment of operation hide Biden, Joey is now wearing “stabilizing shoes” which look more like sneakers in order to help the idiot and not fall down.

However, that hasn’t stopped members of Biden’s inner circle from making the kinds of adjustments that can keep Biden looking presidential.

There are the aforementioned teleprompters which hand-hold him through many public appearances.

Stabilizing shoes reduce the likelihood of an unsightly spill. First it was Hokas – the Asia-manufactured sneakers that are built for comfort and balance control – and now, according to Ziegler, “he’’s wearing sneakers that look like dress shoes. He should have gone for those from the start and never wore the shoes with the rounded soles.”

Some potential helpers, according to Ziegler are less obvious than others. “His home butts up to Christiana Hospital, one of the best hospitals in Delaware,” said Ziegler of a facility that is actually a few miles away from Biden’s Delaware digs and ranks among the top healthcare facilities in the United States.

“If they want to be discreet, doctors can easily go from the hospital to the house. There are no visitor logs; so nobody knows who goes in and out. And he goes home more often than [Trump] goes to [his Florida home] Mar-a-Lago.”