WTF is it with all these washed up Hollywood hasbeens like George Clooney and Michael Douglas thinking anyone cares what they think about anything? Some ego these bastards have. Frankly, I didn’t even know Michael Douglas was still around.. Last movie I remember seeing him in was Wall Street and Falling Down… Great movies BTW. But apparently he is still around, and thinking people give a shit about his opinion. He, like Clooney wants old, slow Joe Biden to drop out.. The Hollywood pedos like Clooney and Douglas are all part of the Biden cognitive decline attempted cover-up.
Apparently Douglas went on The View to “announce” that Biden should drop out..
Hollyweird dinosaur Michael Douglas now calls for joe to drop out.
He just had a fundraiser for him in April.Leftists sure are mad today!
ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) July 10, 2024
The #Democrats have a big bench? They have a lot of heavy heaters? Who is Michael Douglas talking about?
— Shaughn_A (@Shaughn_A2) July 10, 2024