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Biden so bad, New York is now a battleground state according to left wing Politico

How amazing would it be to see New York as a competitive race in this year’s presidential election. No Republican president has won New York since Ronald Reagan in 1984 (40 years ago). In fact, no Republican has even been competitive in the state of New York since 1984. But now left wing propaganda site Politico is sounding the alarm that as Biden crumbles, New York becomes more competitive and could even be a battleground state in the fall, That would be amazing!

I’m still skeptical if Trump could win New York. There are so many communist dirtbags in that shithole of a state, it would be at least a few more election cycles before Republican could really win there. But you never know.


President Joe Biden has a new problem: a competitive race in deep blue New York.

Elected officials, union leaders and political consultants are panicking over polls showing a steady erosion of Biden’s support in a state he won by 23 points four years ago. They’re so worried they’ve been trying to convince the Biden team to pour resources into New York to shore up his campaign and boost Democrats running in a half-dozen swing districts that could determine control of the House.

Biden aides have not focused on New York, committing no significant resources to a state where they expect the president to easily win all 28 electoral college votes in November.

But the warning signs are impossible to ignore and have been building over the past year. Two private polls conducted in a swing New York House district and reviewed by POLITICO — one in September and another in March — found former President Donald Trump leading Biden there by 1 point, a virtual tie. And public polls over the last four months found Biden’s lead had winnowed to just 8 points across New York — an unusually narrow gap in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1.

“We’re still acting like this is a one-party state, which for pretty much 20, 25 years it has been,” Democratic Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine said. “I truly believe we’re a battleground state now.”