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Wait, what? Nancy Pelosi says TRUMP has dementia, not Biden

CNN is circling the wagons, bigly after Biden’s debate debacle.. So they brought on Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco to defend Biden… Either Pelosi is drunk in her own shit again or she thinks the watchers of CNN are really stupid (she might have a point). Pelosi says Trump is the one with dementia, not sundowner Joe Biden.

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that former President Donald Trump likely has dementia.

Host Dana Bash said, “Several newspaper editorial boards, or just simply calling for Biden to step decide for the good of the country. Tom Friedman, a friend of President Biden’s, wrote the following. He wrote ‘Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for reelection if he insists on running and he loses to Trump, Biden and his family and his staff and party members who enabled him will not be able to show their faces what do you say that? Is there any part of you that believes that President Biden should step aside?”

Pelosi said, “I want you to know I came home to California, south and north, and people are for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They have some judgment about a person who said, stood on that stagBe and lied, lied, lied, if you’re just talking about the debate. I am respectful of some of the opinions that people have, but it is also respectful of the grassroots. My people are very much Biden and Kamala Harris and this is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stamina.”