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Hunter Biden pushes veggy Joe to stay in the race at Camp David

And here everyone is blaming Jilly and calling her an elder abuser….. Turns out you can add crackhead Hunter Biden to the mix too.. At the “family meeting” at Camp David this weekend, discussing Joey’s political future, Hunter Biden was the most admanant about keeping the old, sick criminal Joe Biden in the race against mean orange man Trump.

Hunter Biden is pushing dad President Biden to stay in the presidential race as the family huddles with the 81-year-old prez at Camp David to discuss his options after last week’s debate debacle, a new report says.

Biden’s disgraced convicted son is leading the charge to keep his father running against Donald Trump, claiming he wants the country to see his dad as the man he knows he still is: feisty and able to command, the New York Times said Sunday, quoting sources familiar with the family gathering.

President Biden’s relatives — including his closest adviser, wife Jill — are under no illusions about the debate, sources said.

They know his performance was disastrous, with him mumbling and stumbling over words while also blankly staring into space at times, the sources said.

But many of them, including Hunter, believe he still has enough wits about him and the fight in him to win, the outlet said.