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Don’t buy into the hype! If Biden can stand for 90 minutes, corrupt media will say he crushed it in debate

So tonight is the three on one “CNN debate” of Donald Trump Vs. Joe Biden, Fake Jake Tapper and Dana Bash… We all know how it will turn out… Questions will be like “will you accept the 2024 election results” and to Biden “what is your favorite ice cream flavor”. The bar is so low for Biden, the media is trying to fool everyone. If Biden can stand there for 90 minutes, all drugged up on Adderall and god knows what else, the media will come out and say Biden crushed Trump in the debate, and it was the best debate performance since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

Trump will likely get questions like this:
“Will you accept the 2024 election results?”
“How many years in jail should you get for the 34 felonies?”
“Why did you inspire a bloodbath at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021?”
“Why are you like Hitler?”
“Do you want women to die by restricting abortion?”
“Why are you such a threat to democracy?”
“Why did you call Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people”? (he didn’t).”

While questions to Joe Biden will likely be:
“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”
“Tell us how Beau Biden died fighting in Iraq (he didn’t)”
“Your son Hunter Biden is such an inspiration recovering from his drug addiction, tell us what you did to help.”
“How did you deal with inflation at 9% when you came into office? (it wasn’t)”
“Would you have called neo Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people” like your opponent did in 2017? (he didn’t).”
“Tell us how you plan to keep the economy roaring… (it’s not)…”
“Tell us how open border, unfettered illegal immigrations helps the ‘diversity’ of America.”

Maybe we’ll even get a question from Tapper or Bash about the “heroics” of Biden’s “Uncle Bosey”. This is going to be a total shit show…. All media hacks are in on it, including the scum at Fox News with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum… Be ready!