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Cool! Arab-American group “Abandon Biden” organizing operations in nine swing states

So it’s not going to be limited to just Minnesota and Michigan. Muslim group “Abandon Biden” is organizing in nine different swing states to prevent corrupt old Joe Biden from winning the election in November.. I really wish them all the best and success in their venture! The nine swing states this group is organizing in are: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

A national Muslim activist group called “Abandon Biden” is organizing operations in nine swing states to prevent President Joe Biden from winning reelection in November as punishment for his handling of the Israel and Hamas war, according to a report.
The group’s website,, notes they are targeting Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Jaylani Hussein, who serves on the national Abandon Biden board with Salam and three others, pointed to Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin as states where the Muslim vote can really influence the state’s electoral outcome.

“Our math right now shows really no pathway for Biden to win,” Hussein contended to the Tribune.

The report follows a recent New York Times/ Siena College poll showing that Trump has made groundbreaking inroads with Muslim and Arab-American voters in swing states. The poll found Trump was winning 57 percent of these voters to Biden’s 25 percent.