And she’s gone! In the shortest “news” career in modern history, Ronna Romney McDaniel has been fired by NBC after just 4 days on the judge. It also proves that at NBC (and likely other communist networks) that the lunatics truly run the asylum. I have ZERO sympathy for McRomney. I’m glad she and her loser of a family were toughly embarrassed by the left and NBC. Thank you Rachel Maddow, thank you Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd and thank you Jen Psaki!
Once again, this proves that no matter how much you kiss the left’s ass, they will hate you no matter what. Now watch Faux News pick her off the ground to be the 2024 of Donna Brazile.
The scumbag Romney family deserves all the embarrassment and scorn they get.
BREAKING: NBC News has fired Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel.
— Ian Jaeger (@IanJaeger29) March 26, 2024
NBC News has fired Ronna McDaniel. They couldn't stand her either? I'm shocked.
(@PamelaHensley22) March 26, 2024