Phony Mike Johnson decided for some reason to tweet out a Palm Sunday greeting to people on Twitter. I guess he is still playing his fake Christian BS just like Mike Pence. But his Palm Sunday tweet got ratioed, big time on Twitter/X after he allowed that groomer spending bill to pass this week (and he voted for it himself).
Kelly and I are praying you all have a blessed Palm Sunday!
— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) March 24, 2024
Here are just some of the responses Johnson got on Twitter/X:
Thanks, Mike, but most of us are praying for a secure border, which you failed to do again! It’s costing Americans their lives, property, and ability to earn a living. The blood of every American killed by criminal aliens is solely on your hands! Good Christians don’t do what’s…
— montiboy113 (@montiboy113) March 24, 2024
Thank you for the prayer. Be sure to go to confession before you receive the eucharist. Ask God to forgive you for your lies, the betrayal of the American people, and safety of our children and our country. You allowing this bill to pass have a funded the sexualization of our…
— Rugman (@paul_zoell68952) March 24, 2024
You don’t care about us, so stop pretending like you do!! You passed that horrible bill that funds late term abortions, that’s not very Christian like
— Tammie McDonald
(@TammieMcDonal17) March 24, 2024