There were already a bunch of Haitian illegal aliens who come here in 2022 and 2023 with Biden’s open borders. They of course were at the center of Biden’s bullshit horse whipping hoax. But now, with the country basically in civil war and with the cannibalism going on there, you know they are planning boatloads of Haitian illegal aliens to hit to coast of Florida any day now. Ron DeSantis is promising to ship these people to Martha’s Vineyard, like he did with the 50 illegal aliens in 2022.
Do it Ron! Make sure to send them to the Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard beachfront house too!
Gov. DeSantis just said he’ll send Haitian illegals to Martha’s Vineyard.
Since he’s not allowed to deport them, this makes sense to me.
Will the the Obamas welcome into their 6,892-square-foot home these Haitians?
— Paul A. Szypula
(@Bubblebathgirl) March 21, 2024
Ron DeSantis says he’ll send Haitian migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. They have permission to barbecue with the Obamas, and with fat locals. Don’t you guys like DeSantis better when he works for Florida? He seems alright when he stays in his lane.
— Online Shogun (@online_shogun) March 21, 2024