Lazy, senile old man Joe Biden whined earlier today about the House and Senate going out on another vacation. Yet, that’s exactly what the lazy old codger is doing this weekend. Its hack to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware for his more than 400+ vacation days.
Weekly News Roundup:
President Biden is officially immune from all present and future prosecutions due to senility. The New York real estate forecast is dire. Delaware does not want your business. Illegal aliens are welcomed to come to New York— Bruce Fisch (@FischBruce) February 17, 2024
Twelve kids went to the Chiefs parade on Wednesday in Kansas City and are in hospitals where doctors are trying to save their lives from gunshot wounds.
Meanwhile on Friday, Biden will put a lid on it and head to his Rehoboth Beach House for yet another vacation.
Scott Beemer
(@RealBeemster) February 16, 2024