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New low of Nikki Haley: Says Trump makes Biden look “sane and clear-headed”

As Nimarata Niki Haley continues to flounder in the polls after cheating on her husband, she’s reached yet another new low. She says that Trump males the elderly more with a poor memory, Joe Biden look “sane and clear-headed”. I guess she isn’t handling the bad polling in her state of South Carolina too well. It’s all too obvious by now that Nikki Haley is nothing more than a Democrat communist shill. Her career as a Republican politician is over after this primary.

And guess who Haley ran to make these comments? None other than left wing Politico trash…..

Nikki Haley said it’s ‘chilling’ that Donald Trump is encouraging Russia to invade NATO ally countries that he deems ‘delinquent.’

Speaking in former U.N. Amb. Haley’s home state of South Carolina on Saturday, Trump said that if he becomes president again, he would not protect NATO allies from Russia if he feels they aren’t paying their fair share.

Haley told Politico Playbook the comments from her presidential primary competitor make Democratic President Joe Biden ‘look sane.’
‘It’s the kind of comment that makes Joe Biden look clear-headed,’ she added in comments just days after Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Hur released a report brining into question the president’s ‘diminished’ mental faculties and memory.

Haley says Trump’s comments also prove the 2024 frontrunner is ‘lacking moral clarity.’