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Democrats are in a panic after Biden memory report

Some communist Democrats are saying that this report is worse than an indict of Joe Biden for stealing classified documents as a Senator. And you know something? I kind of agree? What would have an indictment gotten Joey the thief Biden? A slap on the wrist like his son got? This report by Robert Hur puts out exactly what is going with senile Joe Biden. His mind is gone, and someone else is running things behind the scenes (aka Barack Obama). This report is far more damaging to thief Joe Biden than an indictment would have ever been. And the communist know this, and they are panicked!

Time to start paying attention to Greasy Gavin Newsom’s shadow campaign and “Michelle” Obama again. I can’t see how the communists let Biden run and get destroyed by Trump.

President Joe Biden’s press conference on Thursday has sent shockwaves throughout the Democratic Party, with several top officials reportedly saying on background that the event was an unmitigated disaster for the 81-year-old.

Biden held the press conference after Special Counsel Robert Hur released the findings from his criminal investigation into Biden’s handling of classified material which concluded that, while Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials,” no charges should be brought.

One of the top reasons that Hur argued that charges should not be brought was that Biden showed strong signs of having serious memory issues — including not remembering when his son died or when he served as vice president in the Obama administration. Hur concluded that a jury would view Biden as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Biden decided to hold a press conference late Thursday night in response to the report.

During the event, Biden exploded at reporters who pointed out voters’ concerns about his age and declared that he was the most qualified person in America to be president. During the event, Biden mixed up the presidents of Egypt and Mexico, forgot the name of the church where his deceased son got the rosary that he wears every day, and forgot key details from the special counsel’s report.