Now, this is a tough one. I mean, how can I ever root for pro-Hamas protesters for anything? But the meltdown that this pro-Hamas heckler caused on Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco is nothing short of awesome. The pro-Hamas heckler even told Nancy Pelosi to “go back to China where you came from”, causing the old drunk to absolutely lose it.
You see how tough it is here on who the root for? I mean, Nancy Pelosi is a stooge of the CCP and deserves what she got. Pelosi help create this environment we are in today.
NEW: Nancy Pelosi gets in a shouting match with protesters outside her home in San Francisco and tells them to "go back to China."
"Go back to China where your headquarters is," she was heard saying.
The incident came just one day after Pelosi floated the idea that…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) January 29, 2024
NOW: Nancy had some unwanted visitors outside her home after she referred to them as possible Russian assets.
The day after Nancy Pelosi said she would ask the FBI to investigate financial ties between peace protestors and Putin, she told some protestors, "Go back to China…
(@LarryDJonesJr) January 29, 2024
NEW – Nancy Pelosi: "Go back to China, where your headquarters is!"
— (@disclosetv) January 29, 2024