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Randi Weingarten thinks you’re a racist if you want good schools for your kids

The teachers union in this country has been corrupt for as long as I can remember. But never have they been this corrupt with “boss” Marxist Randi Weingarten. She now thinks that if you want better schools for your kids that means you are a flaming racist or something.

Want to have some ability to choose where your child goes to school?

Well, then you’re a racist.

So says Randi Weingarten, leader of the American Federation of Teachers.

Words like “school choice” or “parental rights,” she maintains, are the “same kinds of words” used by segregationists, so if you use them too, you’re one of them.

Predictably, Weingarten is now furiously backpedaling, claiming that she was just making an innocent comment about “language” rather than actually accusing anyone of being racist, but this isn’t the first time she’s beat this drum.

In 2017, she called school-choice programs the “only slightly more polite cousins of segregation.”

Nor is she the only teachers-union leader to make this claim.

The head of Chicago’s teachers union has written that “school choice was actually the choice of racists.”

It’s a very curious argument. In New York City, it is minority families who are most eagerly engaging in school choice: 28% of black families choose to send their children to charter schools and 14% of Hispanic families do so.