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Ron DeSantis didn’t want a Chris Christie moment, didn’t accompany Biden for hurricane photo op

Ron DeSantis presidential campaign has been a complete and total disaster so far.. He’s actually lost ground in polling since entering the race and is resembling Little Marco Rubio’s 2016 campaign. But he did one thing right… When Biden came to Florida today for a photo op after Hurricane Idalia, DeSantis did not accompany the old man. DeSantis didn’t want to have Chris Christie moment where the blob hugged Obama after hurricane Sandy.

Joe Biden is hated all over the country, but especially in Florida.

President Biden promised Saturday to “take care of Florida” as he travelled to the Sunshine State to review the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia — and fended off questions about its governor and GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, who has said that he would not accompany a “very disruptive” visit.

“I don’t think he’s going to be there,” Biden said of DeSantis as he headed to Air Force One. “We are going to take care of Florida.”

Biden laughed when asked if he agreed with DeSantis that “the whole security apparatus” of his visit could hinder critical repair efforts.

“Do you?” he responded.

Biden’s planned three-hour drop-in appears to have been carefully choreographed to keep him far from the worst of the devastation.

His activities will be limited to Live Oak, Fla., 40 miles inland, where he was scheduled to take an aerial tour, hold a briefing with officials and first responders, and meet residents on the ground before heading to Rehoboth Beach, Del. for the rest of the weekend.