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Hunter Biden goes to Bar Mitzvah in Georgia, begs God for justice

One might ask how low do you to be to invite someone as slimy as Hunter Biden to something as important as a Bar Mitzvah? The Bar Mitzvah is the Jewish right of passage into manhood for a teenage boy. It seems Hunter Biden was invited because his wife, Melissa Cohen’s brother’s son was having the Bar Mitzvah. And as is typical for a Biden Crime Family member, he made the whole event all about himself. He was even asked to speak for some reason on behalf Jayden Cohen.

Hunter Biden asked God for “justice” in his BS speech to the people gathered at the Georgia synagogue. Can you say ironic? Hunter Biden will never see equal justice in this country as he gets off scot free from his crimes, just like the rest of the Biden Crime Family.

The Aug. 12 trip to Marietta, Georgia brought Biden, 53, and wife Melissa to a suburban synagogue for the coming-of-age ceremony of Jayden Cohen, 13, the son of Melissa’s brother Davan.

“Our God and God of our ancestors,” Biden beseeched the Almighty in the traditional “Prayer for the Country” at the shabbat morning service of Congregation Etz Chaim, Hebrew for “tree of life.”

“Pour out your blessings upon [our] leaders and judges,” Biden read — including, presumably, his father President Biden, as well as the Delaware federal judge who rejected his sweetheart plea deal last month.

“Help them understand the rules of justice.”

“Grant us the knowledge to judge justly,” he added later in the lengthy invocation.