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LeBron James gets swept out of the NBA playoffs. What an embarrassment!

What a compete and total embarrassment. For the first time in their 47 year history, the Denver McNuggets are going to the NBA finals. Not only are they going for the first time in Denver history, they swept the absolutely pathetic, heartless Los Angeles Lakers and Queen Lebron, the puppet of China. Now Little flopper Lebron can go vacation in China all summer long and suck up to the dictators over there. He’s done this season.

Stop with all the stupid comparisons of LeBron James to being anything close to any of the great NBA players of the past. James is no Jordan, no Magic Johnson, No Bill Russell and no Wilt Chamberlin. Hell, James is barely in the same league as marginal players that were overrated like a Bill Laimbeer or something… Good riddance LeFlop. You are an embarrassment to the city of Los Angeles and the NBA.

In fact, Lebron James couldn’t even hold Kobe Bryant’s jock.