A look. A group of feds, pretending to be white supremacists decided to march on the Capitol under the banner “reclaim America”. This group of feds (which is so obvious) were wearing khakis, with masks and sunglasses. I mean come on you feds. If you are going to pretend to be a bunch of white supreamacists to try and stir the pot, at least put in a little effort and try to dress the part properly.. Is that too much to ask?
Hey, look. The fedbois are out for a stroll looking to, yet again, frame #MAGA as being racist – which is preposterous.
This is a pitiful smear tactic as no one in #MAGA knows who these turds are or are involved in their stunts.
Remember, we're the ones that don't wear masks. https://t.co/3swJ8I1913
— AwakenedOutlaw
(@AwakenedOutlaw) May 13, 2023
Did you idiots forget that the whole group you labeled “white supremacists” hates masks to begin with?