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Los Angeles communist mayor Karen Bass to root out ‘right-wing extremist’ police

Oh this is going to fun to watch. Los Angeles is already a crime infested city with homeless encampments all over the place, people flinging poop at cars, drugs in the streets, smash and grab robberies, etc. So what a better idea then to purge cops in the LAPD under the guise of “right wing extremism”. You voted for this you dotards in Los Angeles, now buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass called to remove “obstacles” for new police recruits and pledged to root out officers with ties to “right-wing domestic extremist organizations.”

Bass is looking to remove “obstacles” for police recruits who fail to initially qualify for training as a means of further diversifying the LAPD, according to a summary of her public safety goals obtained by Fox News Digital – but police union leaders are questioning the move.

Bass’ summary of goals for police reform includes a list of provisions as well as dates by which the department must report back regarding progress. One provision says a deputy mayor will work in conjunction with a “third party” to “evaluate the personnel process and identify obstacles to entry for recruits who fail to qualify for training.”

“We think that particular provision or that goal or that idea is dangerous,” Tom Saggau, Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) spokesperson, told Fox News Digital.

Think of this as Chicago on steroids. Karen Bass will be Lori Lightfoot 2.0.