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While you were watching the Chinese spy balloon, Biden released ‘high-value’ Gitmo terrorist Majid Kahn

Why did the Biden regime let the Chinese spy balloon to fly over the skies over the eight days? Maybe it was to take America’s minds off Biden’s latest treasonous move, freeing high value Gitmo terrorist Majid Kahn.

In an attempt to blunt criticism, ABC did manage to run a brief story on the story that was relegated to their low-rated streaming news show ABC News Live Prime.

Thankfully, our friends at the Washington Free Beacon were on the case with Phillip Caldwell reporting that the terrorist Majid Kahn “was released in Belize roughly one year after the end of his sentence. His release from the Guantánamo detention center, where he was a ‘high-value’ prisoner, was delayed because of difficulty finding a country willing to resettle him.”

“White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Thursday described Khan’s release as part of the administration’s ‘deliberate and thorough process, focused on responsibly reducing the detainee population’ at Guantánamo Bay,” Caldwell wrote.

Khan was dangerous because he worked with “Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, and participated in the logistics of terrorist plots,” according to the Free Beacon.

Khan even ended up “couriering $50,000 to terrorists who killed 12 in a 2003 hotel bombing in Indonesia,” before being “captured in Pakistan in 2003.”

This wasn’t the first time the Biden administration had released a terrorist with involvement in the 9/11 attacks while the media helped him run cover. On March 8, 2022, all three networks yawned as Biden released the man who was supposed to be the 20th hijacker in the 9/11 attacks.