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And the state that lost the most population in 2022 is….. California

Greasy Gavin Newsom wins the award for another year. For two straight years now, California has lost the most population of any of the 50 states. Can’t imagine why, could you?

According to the Bureau, the Population Estimates Program uses current data on births, deaths, and migration to calculate population change since the most recent decennial census date and produces a time series of estimates of population, demographic components of change, and housing units.

H.D. Palmer, deputy director of external affairs at the California Department of Finance, told The Sacramento Bee the state had seen a historical trend of net loss of residents to “domestic migration” for years.

“Some people — for reasons other than demographics and more politics — try to jump on some of the outmigration numbers,” Palmer said.

Residents across the state have been escaping Governor Gavin Newsom’s rule of California in droves, especially since 2020, when the Democratic leader and the primarily left-wing legislature shut down the state in response to COVID.

Amid high taxes already killing the middle-class, skyrocketing crime rates, rampant homelessness, and an unaffordable housing crisis, the one-party system on the West Coast essentially turned California into a feudal state, or as some conservative leaders called it, a socialist nightmare.