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The left now pushing synthesized cannibalism for global warming

Remember the 1973 movie Soylent Green? It was people! But guess what, the left, and their various media propaganda devils are starting (again) to push synthesized cannibalism all in the name of global warming. A left wing British site Wired is pushing an article brags about the benefits of “lab grown human meat”. The article even features a “cookbook” for human flesh.

In the not-so-distant future, then, there will be no obvious technical hurdle to growing human meat for consumption. It will probably be safe to eat and comparable to any other meat that comes from a laboratory. An inherent horror will probably keep it off the supermarket shelves and menus of all but the most curious individuals and eccentric restaurants. But, if your really want to, you will be able to have your steak and eat it.

Dr. Koert Van Mensvoort, director of the Next Nature Network and fellow at the Eindhoven University of Technology, is the man behind what is probably the worst (but in a good way) cookbook you could ever hope to buy. The In Vitro Meat Cookbook contains recipes for over 40 dishes – none of which you can actually make. Yet. Each entry is illustrated, with an accompanying list of ingredients (all centred around lab-grown meat), a gleefully morbid description, and a five-star rating system of scientific feasibility. One star: we’re a long ways off. Five stars: Set the table! And use the good cutlery – we’re eating guests.

“I started writing the book because I was already in contact with some of the biotechnology companies that had been developing in vitro meat for years,” says Van Mensvoort. “And what was striking was that they were trying to make the same kinds of sausages and burgers that we already know. That sounded weird to me, like how people called the first cars horseless carriages. So I decided to step into their space and explore the creative design: what could be on our plates in the future because of this new technology?”