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Cowards in Arizona remove miles of shipping containers placed along the border with Mexico

First Katie Hobbs and Mark Kelly “win” elections, now this. After threats from the Biden regime, the weak outgoing GOP governor, Doug Ducey is removing the shipping containers along the Arizona/Mexico border opening up the state to more illegal migrant invasions.

Now I can see how John McCain won all those elections, and how Jeff Flake won… What a joke.

The State of Arizona agreed to remove miles of shipping containers placed along the border with Mexico. The agreement came as part of an ongoing lawsuit filed by the Biden Administration after Governor Doug Ducey ordered the makeshift barriers along the border.

Earlier this year, Governor Ducey ordered the construction of border barriers utilizing shipping containers, Breitbart Texas reported. The state provided funding for the project with a $564 million spending bill signed in June. The bill dedicated funds to pay for physical barriers, additional public safety staffing, and more technology and public safety equipment in response to the border crisis created by the federal government.

In October, the U.S. Department of the Interior ordered Governor Ducey to remove the containers placed on federal land.

“The unauthorized placement of those containers constitutes a violation of federal law and is a trespass against the United States,” the letter stated. “That trespass is harming federal lands and resources and impeding [the Bureau of] Reclamation’s ability to perform its mission.”