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Smug Zelensky lectures Americans: “Your money is not charity,”

Who the hell does this smug actor Zelensky think he is? He’s gotten billions of US tax dollars to fund his war with Russia and he comes to this country and lectures us during a joint session of Congress. Between the media and politicians fawning all over this clown, he actually had the nerve to lecture Americans that our tax payer dollars (at least $50) is “not charity” or something. Hey, Zelensky, care to explain where the $40,000 used by your wife during her shopping spree Paris?

“Your money is not charity,” he said. “It’s an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way.”

Zelenskyy said that U.S. support is crucial not only for Ukraine’s victory but also to show Russia and China that “no one can succeed in breaking national borders” or committing atrocities. And he made a direct appeal for more U.S. military aid.

“Ukraine never asked that American soldiers fight on our land instead of us,” said Zelenskyy. “I assure you that Ukrainian soldiers can perfectly operate American tanks and planes themselves.”

BTW, “Vlod”. If the war in Ukraine is so bad then what the hell are you doing flying to American to lecture the taxpayers for more money? Shouldn’t you be on the front lines like a real leader and commander in chief?

Oh and nice outfit you wore to American, especially after your wife’s $40,000 shopping spree in Paris. Trying to emulate John Fetterman?