I guess the Fox News love affair with Ron DeSantis is over. Now Fox seems to be trying to push Mike Pence and his BS book (again). Weeks ago Pence was all over Fox News programs spamming his lame book which couldn’t be more wrongly named. Now today, again for some reason, they brought back Pence to appear on “Outnumbered” as the male guest and yet again it was for book spam. I guess Pence is struggling to sell his lame book no one wants, so Fox is trying to help him out.
I was disappointed they had Mike Pence on outnumbered today. I changed the channel. I don't give a sh*t about anything Pence has to say on anything.
(@Pgunn64) November 30, 2022
Honored to be joined by the former VP Mike Pence today on Outnumbered to discuss China/Iran and his new book, “So help me God”@Mike_Pence pic.twitter.com/Fr4xwkuBH2
— Martha MacCallum (@marthamaccallum) November 30, 2022
OMG! Freakin Pence is on #Outnumbered, I'm doing a lot of swearing at the TV, grrr I can't stand how he thinks he is soooo Godly, he is BS!
— Patti
(@Pattikke) November 30, 2022