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Lee Zeldin for RNC chair? (Get rid of Ronna McRomney!)

Lee Zeldin came closer than any Republican in 20 years of winning the governorship in New York. He also al so helped GOP candidates on the now cesspool state of winning several House seats. He even helped get rid of “Chef Boyaredee” Sean Patrick Maloney in what was once considered a safe Democrat seat. So why not Zeldin? Ronna McRomney needs to have been fired yesterday, but she is still head of the RNC for some reason.

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) is reportedly considering a bid for chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) following his candidacy in the Empire State’s gubernatorial race, according to reports.

Activists and supporters across the country have asked Zeldin to run for the position following his unsuccessful bid to unseat incumbent New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) in blue New York. And according to Zeldin’s media consultant, John Brabender, the Republican is exploring the option.

“It’s likely that he will at least explore it. … He’s fielding calls, talking to people, listening to them, but it has not gone beyond that,” Brabender said, NBC News reported.

It remains unclear if current RNC chair, Ronna McDaniel, or her cochair, Tommy Hicks, will run for reelection, but Zeldin’s consideration follows a relatively lackluster midterm election performance for Republicans, despite the fact that the GOP had six million more votes than Democrats in House races.

While all signs point to the GOP taking the House, Democrats maintained a slim majority in the Senate, and some Republicans are demanding change moving forward.

“The people whose job it was to win but did not win should go do something else now. We’re speaking specifically of the Republican leadership of the House and the Senate and of the RNC,” Tucker Carlson said last week.

“It is nothing personal; some of them are, no doubt, nice people, but they took hundreds of millions of dollars to paint the map red, and they didn’t,” he continued, explaining that they “shouldn’t be promoted.”