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Arizona Senate seat slipping away from Democrats

Mark Kelly is one of the slimiest members of the Senate, and that’s saying something from this group of one hundreds frauds and crooks. Mark Kelly used the shooting of his wife to get into the Senate from Arizona, and now it appears to be slipping away from the communists are Arizonians know a fraud when they see one. Blake Masters, is surging in this race, Republicans had a far bigger turnout in the Arizona primary than Democrats did (after the Roe V Wade SCOTUS decision) and people are tired of communist polices. Left wing Politico is sounding the alarm about this seat trending towards Masters.

Just a month after national Republicans appeared to give up on Arizona Republican Blake Masters, the Trump-backed Senate candidate has staged a comeback — and Arizona is in play.

National and Arizona Democratic operatives are privately fretting that incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly is endangered, noting a shift by previously undecided voters toward the GOP, aided by a patchwork of new Republican spending to bolster Masters. Recent polling has shown Kelly’s lead shrinking to a few points, much tighter than surveys showed throughout August and September.

“There’s a very narrow path to victory for Democrats in Arizona,” said Roy Herrera, a Democratic election attorney and consultant in the state. “Any poll that shows the Democrats are doing any better than the low or mid-single digits is probably not accurate, or won’t be maintained through the election cycle.”

When the media pushes fake polls of Kelly in the lead, don’t believe it!