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David Priess – smug, former Bush CIA hack defends claiming Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation”

David Priess, one of the 50+ “intelligence experts” who signed a letter in October 2020 claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop from hell was “Russian disinformation” got a chance to admit his mistake on weak, anti-Trump Fox hack Bret Baier’s show today. But instead of apologizing for basically helping rig the election, David Priess did what these deep state arrogant thugs always do. They go on TV, grandstand, don’t admit error and even brag about what they did.

As expected, Priess got little pushback from Trump hater Bret Baier, who is also a total Bush licking hack. Watch for yourself at the smugness of these so called “intelligence experts” and weasel Bret Baier’s weak attempted comebacks.

It’s obvious by now that Baier knows he is costing Fox News viewers with his Trump hate. This little staged phony pushback isn’t going to help stop that.